
My name is Ezekiel Galan or Ezy for short. I’m your run-of-the-mill sassy, Broadway Musical obsessed, glitter spewing pretty much out of everywhere basic millennial who also might have a number of deep-seated issues and can occasionally be awkward af.

Like what you’re seeing so far? Continue on to get to know me. Here are…


5 things you didn’t know about Ezy Galan.


1. It’s like “Easy” but with a Z. 

Didn’t choose the nickname. Parents gave it to me. And yes, I’ve heard all the “Easy/Ezy” puns out there, imaginable. If you need any for your next Campaign, shoot me an email. 

2. Yes, it’s Copywriter and Photographer

I’ve always had a passion for both trades. I know it’s usually AD’s that specialize in more visually oriented skills but I definitely consider it an asset for a CW to have a visual craft as well.  

3. I’ve breathed the same air as Kendall Jenner.

Before going into Advertising, I used to work as a fashion/lifestyle journalist. Highlight of that career was experiencing the insane thrill that is NYFW. Check out some of my work here. 





4. I’m a Retired Actor.  

I once played Sebastian in a community theater production of Shakespeare’s 12th Night. We were hoping to tour. Unfortunately, after weeks of rehearsals, we were only able to sell one performance. Regardless, I learned a lot about the act of storytelling, discipline, and the importance of putting in the time.

5. I’ve lived in 4 different cities, in 3 different countries in the span of one year.

As a Miami Ad School Europe student, I got to move from our Hamburg base school to do agency Labs at 360i New York, Vice Virtue Berlin, and People Ideas and Culture Milan. Learned a lot. Did some cool stuff. …but even just having to move your entire life around four times in one year is a mammoth of a learning experience on its own.